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Cycling Tour:
Panoramic Tour
Peca Underground

Mountain biking is riding bicycles off-road, usually on forest trails. For this kind of riding you will not only need a good mountain bike, ypu will also need persistance, independence and technical mastery of the bike. In many ways mountain biking is more like cross run over hill and dale, than as road cycling.

Because mountain biking is often the case in the wilderness, far from civilization, among mountain bikers developed strong ethics of selfpreservance, because the mountain Rider, can get stuck without the knownledge, of bicycles repairing and nature knowing, which gives this type of sport a touch of adventure. Mountain bikers are often creating groups, so they socialize through group journeys, especially on longer routes.

Our Qualified instructors can teach you the proper techniques of mountain biking, which are necessary to control your bike in the mountains or in the valley. Only the proper way of handling the wheels can give you the trully joyfull ride. The right technique is also important from the safety point of view ...

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